Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
ZULIANI, Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro and HARTWIG, Dácio Rodney. A influência dos processos que buscam a autoformação: uma leitura através da fenomenologia e da semiótica social. Ciência educ. [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.02, pp.359-382. ISSN 1516-7313.
Teaching Practices are integrative discipline between the specific knowledge and the pedagogical knowledge. In this work, we present the results of a research carried through with future teachers in Chemistry, using the Investigative Methodology. The objective was to seek the perceptions of the students about their own learning and its transference to the educational process. We used the benchmark proposed by the Phenomenology and Social Semiotic for the data analysis. It has confirmed the potential of the methodology in the students metacognitive development and in the evolution of their conceptions. They value the construction of learning strategies as a personal process and professional knowledge. The reflection led them to recognize the complementarity between teaching and learning processes inseparable, and its application to the professional activity.
Keywords : Practical of Chemistry Education; Investigative Methodology; Metacognitive Development; Fenomenology; Teachers Formation.