Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
GOMES, Luciano Carvalhais; FUSINATO, Polônia Altoé and NEVES, Marcos César Danhoni. Análise da relação entre força e movimento em uma revista de divulgação científica. Ciência educ. [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.02, pp.341-353. ISSN 1516-7313.
This paper deals with a critical analysis about alternative conceptions on force and motion in the Superinteressante Magazine. This analysis was based on a bibliography review about this subject, from Aristotle's natural motion theory to the three Newton's laws of motion. Afterwards, we made a comparison between the conceptions found in various researches about this matter and that of those thinkers. Guided by this review, we conclude that many of students' conceptions about force and motion are present in the magazine, but in a lower percentage, compared to those found in the review. The research outcomes show to the educators interested in their students' meaningful learning, special care when using this magazine as didactical resource.
Keywords : Physics Teaching; Alternative Conceptions; Force and Motion; Content Analysis; Scientific Divulgation.