Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
SANGIOGO, Fábio André; HALMENSCHLAGER, Karine Raquiel; HUNSCHE, Sandra and MALDANER, Otavio Aloisio. Pressupostos epistemológicos que balizam a situação de estudo: algumas implicações ao processo de ensino e à formação docente. Ciência educ. [online]. 2013, vol.19, n.01, pp.35-54. ISSN 1516-7313.
This paper aims to identify and bring forward epistemological assumptions from Study Situation (SE), and detect implications of this for teaching and teacher training. This is qualitative research, developed by analysis of publications that refer to SE and a semi structured interview and was conducted with a teacher mentor of the proposal. The analysis of the materials allows us to infer that the main epistemological reference of SE is Bachelardian and, in the educational sphere,Vigotskian. Taking these references shows how to build school programs, considering aspects from the student’s everyday knowledge, so that they can take ownership of the knowledge historically produced in the interactions asymmetrically established for the object under study. So, it signals the need for epistemological discussions in teacher training, in addition to the educational, in order to develop a teaching that is more coherent with the Science and meaningful to the students.
Keywords : Study Situation; Epistemology; Science Teaching; Teacher Training.