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Ciência & Educação

versión impresa ISSN 1516-7313versión On-line ISSN 1980-850X


SILVA, Winnie Gomes da; HIGUCHI, Maria Inês Gasparetto  y  FARIAS, Maria Solange Moreira de. Environmental education in psychosocial training of young people. Ciência educ. [online]. 2015, vol.21, n.4, pp.1031-1047. ISSN 1980-850X.

For 15 years, the Psychology and Environmental Education Laboratory (Lapsea - INPA), developed an environmental education program called 'Small Science Forest Guides'. The goal was based on a social and transforming empowerment perspective, in order to identify, discuss and act on social and environmental issues. The zoo botanical park maintained by the INPA served as a space for all social and environmental discussions. For six months, the young people had meetings with researchers and educators, and for a year, started to act as guides for park visitors. This study was an evaluation of the program, from semi-structured interviews with 48 young people from various groups, since 1994. The results show striking aspects of psychosocial transformation and citizenship what happened to these participants. This knowledge-sharing exercise showed to help to share principles for social justice, solidarity, respect and commitment to environmental sustainability.

Palabras clave : Small Science Forest Guide; Environmental education; Socio-environmental development.

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