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vol.30 número03A escola e os educadores em tempo de ciclos e progressão continuada: uma análise das experiências no estado de São PauloFormação de professores e educação em direitos humanos e cidadania: dos conceitos às ações índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação e Pesquisa

versão impressa ISSN 1517-9702


SADALLA, Ana Maria Falcão de Aragão  e  LAROCCA, Priscila. Autoscopia: um procedimento de pesquisa e de formação. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2004, vol.30, n.03, pp.419-433. ISSN 1517-9702.

This article considers a procedure for data collection called autoscopy. Autoscopy entails the video recording of a practice with the purpose of allowing analysis and self-evaluation by one of the protagonists of that practice. The objective of the video recording is that of apprehending the actions of the agent (or agents), the scenario, and the plot that make up a situation. The recorded material is subjected to sessions of analysis after the action that aim at the understanding of the reflective process of the agent (or agents) through their verbalizations during the analysis of video recorded scenes. The present text introduces a theoretical basis for the procedure of autoscopy, deals with advantages and limitations of its use, as well as with aspects that deserve attention and, finally, describes the authors’ experiences in two studies in which the procedure was employed. Starting from these two experiences, differences and similarities are pointed out between the studies, especially regarding the participants, object, and the time distribution of the video recordings. The authors draw considerations about the formative- reflective potential of the procedure, both for research situations and for the learning and training of various professionals, considering it to be an excellent educational instrument. It is, however, vital to keep in mind the need to recognize and return to the teacher, as an autoscopic participant, his condition as subject of his own profession, thereby promoting, besides the self-evaluation, also the autonomy of his thinking and doing.

Palavras-chave : Research Methodology; Autoscopy; Professional Training; Reflective Education.

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