Educação e Pesquisa
Print version ISSN 1517-9702
SANTOS, Daísy Cléia Oliveira dos. Potenciais dificuldades e facilidades na educação de alunos com deficiência intelectual. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2012, vol.38, n.04, pp.935-948. ISSN 1517-9702.
When the subject is the teaching of pupils with intellectual handicap, it is not unusual to question the way of working with them. The present article seeks to show a description and an understanding of the features of intellectual handicap in relation to the wider picture of cognitive (the intellectual functions) and adaptive (the social, emotional, and practical functions) handicap, so as to then define the possibilities of the pedagogical practice within the school context. The study was built based on a bibliographical survey of the field of intellectual handicap, of learning and development disorders, of social inclusion, and of special teaching. Although intellectual handicap poses a challenge to school teaching in view of its curricular objective, both in an ordinary classroom and in specialized educational service, it is possible to establish a fruitful pedagogical context keeping in mind the educational objectives of personal development and academic-professional, cultural and citizenship training. Therefore, it is a fact that the didactics of the teaching of pupils with intellectual handicap needs to be specific, not just with respect to the peculiarities of a handicap situation, but also in respect to the individuality of each subject. At any rate, even if intellectual handicap may not allow its complete reversal, since it consists in a deficient neurological development, school progress is still possible.
Keywords : Intellectual Handicap; Mental Deficiency; Special Education; Inclusion .