Educação e Pesquisa
Print version ISSN 1517-9702
ABREU, Daniela Gonçalves de and MOURA, Manoel Oriosvaldo de. Construção de instrumentos teórico-metodológicos para captar a formação de professores. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2014, vol.40, n.02, pp.401-414. ISSN 1517-9702.
Research on the profile of environmental educators has required a research methodology appropriate for capturing their training process. Since when researching teacher education we are before something that is not materially established and is dynamic, how can one take the training of environmental educators as a research object? To construct an answer to this question, this study required theoretical and methodological tools that enabled grasping the training of teachers in their educational activities. The training of environmental educators requires an environment in which everyone has a voice and can share experiences, review their knowledge and produce new meanings from a critical perspective. The creation of a learning community in a public school established a favorable context for teacher education. We confirmed that, if planned and organized, Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (Collective Pedagogical Worktime) can intentionally contribute to teacher education. Activity theory offered resources both from the point of view of teaching, by providing a basis for the organization of meetings with secondary school teachers, always taking into account the intentionality of training, and from the methodological point of view, by allowing us to grasp our object, that is, the training process in its movement. In the interaction between subjects, they were able to expand their views and there were changes of meanings related to environmental issues. When evoking a thought, a reflection, a subject enables the others to revisit their positions and knowledge. Thus, knowledge is formed with new quality and so are individuals.
Keywords : Training; Teachers; Research Object; Activity Theory; Environmental Education; School.