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Educação e Pesquisa
versión impresa ISSN 1517-9702
DAINEZ, Débora y SMOLKA, Ana Luiza Bustamante. The concept of compensation in the dialogue of Vygotsky with Adler: human development, education and disability. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2014, vol.40, n.4, pp.1093-1108. ISSN 1517-9702.
Currently, the dissemination of the studies of Lev S. Vygotsky is broad and so is its impact on education, reflecting on the way of thinking about education and on the development of children. However, Vygotsky's work on the issue of disability has not been translated into Portuguese, preventing access to knowledge. When Vygotsky addresses development in adverse organic conditions, he develops the concept of compensation. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present the history of the conceptual development of compensation in the historical-cultural perspective, understanding the emergence and movement of the ideas and arguments produced by Vygotsky in dialogue with his contemporaries, especially with the Austrian psychoanalyst Alfred Adler. It is a theoretical-conceptual study, for which we have read books by Adler and the main texts of Vygotsky and contemporary authors who address disability. The discussions indicate not only the points of agreement and the differences in the perspectives of these authors, but also how Vygotsky restructures the compensation concept, orienting it toward the social formation of mind. The following propositions are evidenced as a conclusion: the conception that the individual's life is sustained by the other, the belief in the possibilities of development beyond disability and the understanding of different modes of humanization. Such propositions imply the social responsibility of organizing the educational environment in order to design the formation of the new in the process of development of the child (with disabilities), investing in the training, provision and allocation of material and human resources.
Palabras clave : Human Development; Education; Disability; Compensation; Lev S. Vygotsky.