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versão impressa ISSN 1517-9702versão On-line ISSN 1678-4634
SETTON, Maria da Graça Jacintho e RATIER, Rodrigo Pelegrini. French republican schools against economic logic constraints: which democracy? Interview with André D. Robert. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2016, vol.42, n.2, pp.539-556. ISSN 1678-4634.
From a sociohistorical point of view, one can understand correspondence relations between the economic system, state and school. It is from this perspective that André D. Robert, associate professor at the University Lumière Lyon 2, undertakes an analysis of the French school system between 1945 and 2014. The guiding question concerns the democratization in quantitative and qualitative terms. First ambition of the republican school model, has democracy become an effective reality in the French school system? In the interview, Robert uses the concept of relative autonomy to record the growing submission from school to economy, nuanced by the complex social game played by the actors involved in the definition and implementation of school policies. Featuring a French school typology of the last seven decades, the author evaluates the effect of successive reforms in the school’s role in society. Equally important are the considerations about the role of the school in contemporary society: has education been lastingly captured by neoliberalism? Observing a partial reversal in the lack of state accountability during François Hollande’s presidency, Robert concludes for the existence of a school model halfway between the values and practices inherited from the republican tradition and the adaptation to contemporary requirements of economic logic. One of his observables is the emergence of a segregative democracy. Although access to education is increasingly less dependent on variables such as social origin, gender, nationality or geographic region, the hierarchy of the distribution of students between courses and learning opportunities more or less prestigious is strongly marked by social origin, which has been increasing in the first decades of the 21st century.
Palavras-chave : School reform; Republican school; Neoliberalism; School democratization.