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Educação e Pesquisa
versión impresa ISSN 1517-9702versión On-line ISSN 1678-4634
DAINEZ, Débora y SMOLKA, Ana Luiza Bustamante. Challenging the social function of school, from the perspective of Inclusive Education. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2019, vol.45, e187853. Epub 12-Abr-2019. ISSN 1678-4634.
This article aims at calling into question the social function of school within the context of Inclusive Education Policy. It is based upon research done on the educational practices and the schooling process of two particular students, one with intellectual disabilities, the other with multiple disabilities. This discussion is grounded in theoretical and methodological ideas belonging to historical and cultural psychology, which is based on the social nature of human development and also on the role of school education in human formative process. Field research was carried out in a state school in the municipal school network in a São Paulo state town. The empirical material for our analysis consisted of the records kept in a log book and also of the videotape recording of students’ daily routine. The contents of such records enabled us to challenge the objectives of school education which are restricted to socialization and stimulation work done with students with disabilities. Our analysis focuses on the ways in which students participate in educational activities as well as the challenges faced by school when taking into account the particularities of each of these students as well as teaching and learning conditions in this environment. Our analysis focuses on the work done with signs and meanings within the educational process, and looks into the different paths taken towards cultural assimilation. Simultaneously, it points out to the need of calling into question the social function of school, aiming at expanding possibilities for people’s learning and development.
Palabras clave : Human development; Special education; Inclusive education; State school.