Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas
Print version ISSN 1519-3993
MIDLEJ, Jussara. Percursos de constituição da professoralidade: tramas subjetivas. Educ. Puc. [online]. 2009, n.27, pp.33-42. ISSN 1519-3993.
This paper describes an educational action research linked to an early childhood education degree program agreed between Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Vitória da Conquista and Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. This work involved 37 active female teachers and it was developed between 2005 and 2007. The objectives were formulated in order to determine whether a formative research process could question conceptions, monosemic and mecanicist pedagogical actions that a lot of teachers have about life; and how reconceptualization of knowledge and professional and personal attitude review would be done in narrative writing and communicative situations. From its theoretical-epistemological basis will come up intersubjective experiences from everyone’s socio-professional guidelines. The production, as a collective memory of the past, critical consciousness of the present and operational premises for the future, will demonstrate that the processuality of the human condition, and not the crystallization or the stability, reconstructs professional knowledge verifying potentialities of transformation.
Keywords : Teacher Formation; Action Research; Autobiographical Memory.