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vol.22 issue3Theoretical-methodological approaches in non-formal education and socio-cultural activities author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas

Print version ISSN 1519-3993On-line version ISSN 2318-0870


SIMAO, Andréia Aparecida  and  DALPIAZ, Luiza Helena. The learning subject and transformations of the work environment. Educ. Puc. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.3, pp.515-529. ISSN 2318-0870.

This text’s goal is to present the elements from which we outline the notion of learning subject, articulating two complementary perspectives. In a conceptual point of view, we characterize this notion by articulating theoretical aspects from different reference authors. In an empirical point of view, we approach a company as a learning locus, where the learning subject learns in and with organization, considering transformations of the work environment beyond the two classic production and work managerial models, Taylorism/Fordism and Toyotism. Methodologically, we associate in an exploratory and qualitative way bibliographical and documentary research, and fieldwork done in a large-sized food industry company situated in the mid-west of Santa Catarina. Results show that the learning subject corresponds to a material and subjective position that operates living labor, which is an educational practice. The living labor refers to the actions of the learning subject that transforms the world and himself in an educational perspective all through his life. He contains a paradoxical field of possibilities, such as alienation and sickness or self-realization and emancipation. The fieldwork showed three emerging issues about the constitution of the learning subject in the organizational context: requirements produced by new technologies, professional education and evaluation of the worker in the work process.

Keywords : Qualitative analysis; Education and work; Professional qualification; Work organization.

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