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Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas
versão impressa ISSN 1519-3993versão On-line ISSN 2318-0870
CUNHA, Kalyne Franco e SILVA, Thaise da. Literacy of “brasiguayan” children in the Brazilian border school. Educ. Puc. [online]. 2021, vol.26, e214927. ISSN 2318-0870.
The present article has as its main theme the literacy of brasiguayan children on the Brazil - Paraguay border in the border cities of Ponta Porã (Brazil) and Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay). The objective is to understand the brasiguayan children’s language experience with Portuguese, Guarani and Spanish in the different spheres of literacy of their environment, identifying which language the children use to communicate orally or in written form. The study was developed through a qualitative investigation, of the descriptive type. The participants were seven brasiguayan students who live in Paraguay and study in Brazil, and a student who lives in both countries; they were all 3rd year elementary school students attending a municipal school in Ponta Porã (MS) in Brazil. The technique used to obtain the data was the semi-structured interview. The theoretical contributions that guided this study are the New Literacy Studies. The results indicate that the children demonstrated they can manage to get along very well with almost all different spheres of literacy, in Portuguese, Spanish and Guarani. They showed resourcefulness and ability to transit easily between the different spheres, with different functions in those three languages, with the exception of the school sphere which is a great challenge for them, because in the official moments the language use is restricted to Portuguese. At school children end up using Guarani and Spanish only in moments of informality.
Palavras-chave : Literacy; Brasiguaios students; Spheres of Literacy; Multilingualism.