ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
AMORIM, Joni A. and SILVA, Mariana da Rocha C.. Produção de multimídia e acessibilidade em cursos de aprendizagem a distância. ETD [online]. 2009, vol.10, n.02, pp.355-372. ISSN 1676-2592.
Online students who are deaf may encounter different barriers on Web based courses including lack of content-related images in pages full of text. The different barriers can slow comprehension for people whose first language may be a sign language instead of a written language, a challenge for researchers and teachers interested in developing multimedia content. The intermix of text, image, audio, and video has been increased due to the digital convergence and characterize the virtual texts. Multimedia usage now brings different effects on meaning making. In this perspective, this paper intends to discuss some of the many challenges in the offer of large scale undergraduate courses presenting some characteristics of a course on the Brazilian Sign Language. The paper discusses educational digital multimedia content accessibility in the context of an ongoing project at UNICAMP.
Keywords : Accessibility; Distance Education; Multimedia Production.