ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
FRANCO, Adriana and DAVIS, Claudia. Self-esteem: the genesis and formation of a socially constructed attribute. ETD [online]. 2011, vol.13, n.01, pp.99-118. ISSN 1676-2592.
This study analyses in the boundaries of a social-historical perspective the constitutive elements for self-esteem social construction in the teaching-learning process of pupils who have lived stories of failure in school. Its construction was oriented by the following points: the relations between self-esteem and learning in the last three decades and the human psychism development. We analysed through the story of life report the self-esteem construction process of two young persons who frequented acceleration classes, identifying, through measurement of theoretical abstraction from socio-historical Psychology, the way as the reality experienced in life was meant and valorized. Through biographic analysis we verified that self-esteem is associated to a broad concept and while concrete life conditions will not be altered, alterations in the conscience and, so, in the evaluation way must not be expected. Thus, self-esteem, like any human phenomenon, is produced in the concrete conditions of existence and the school must be effectively committed with the humanization of its pupils.
Keywords : Socio-Historical Psychology; Self-Esteem; School Failure; Conscience.