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ETD Educação Temática Digital
versión On-line ISSN 1676-2592
BIANCHINI, Luciane Guimarães Batistella; OLIVEIRA, Francismara Neves de y VASCONCELOS, Mario Sérgio. Procedimentos no jogo virtual Colheita Feliz: entre a virtude e a regra. ETD [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.01, pp.01-21. ISSN 1676-2592.
This study based on moral culture research and the theoretical Piagetian perspective aims to investigate the relation between virtue and rules in the procedures of participants in the Internet game Colheita Feliz (Happy Harvest) - an Orkut application. By means of descriptive qualitative analysis, the behavior of 60 participants in the game was observed during two months. The participants’ performance ranking was analyzed according to the procedures they used. The results showed predominance of the crop stealing procedure in comparison with the crop cultivation procedure and allowed to consider that the action of stealing of the participants was not guided by the universal principles of virtue, honesty or lack of it (moral domain) but by the playing convention for the game (social domain) favoring the stealing procedure, and also by personal domain (choices) and mutual agreement among the subjects participating in the game. The data did not indicate connections between the participants’ actions inside and outside virtual and real fields with regard to stealing, and reinforced the idea that rules are conventionalized in the domain of a group and depend on social interactions by which mutual respect among peers must prevail. The data also shows that morality is not the regulatory actions in the game. The results also showed the importance of carrying out research on procedures used by computer game players since such procedures can demonstrate cognitive, moral, affective and social aspects perceived during playful interaction situations.
Palabras clave : Jean Piaget, 1896-1980; Moral Culture; Games; Virtual Environment; Social Interaction.