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ETD Educação Temática Digital
versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592
MOURA, Eliana Perez Gonçalves de; ZUCCHETTI, Dinora Tereza e BARRETO, Maria Antônia Belchior Ferreira. Education and reduction of inequality: a collaborative study Brazil - Portugal. ETD [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.3, pp.514-522. ISSN 1676-2592.
This is an argumentative paper on the relationship between education and reducing inequality, taking the pedagogical practices developed in Brazil and Portugal for socially vulnerable children, teenagers and youth as its reference. In the case of Brazil, it takes Program More Education (PME) as an example of affirmative policy, a strategic action for joining the pedagogical and social areas who primarily work to execute actions within the network of public schools and/or in partnerships, with NGO's and community services executed by third-sector entities. In the case of Portugal, the confrontation happens within the school system itself, through Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIPs), a policy measure for fighting the problems of social and scholastic exclusion in a set geographic area. It addresses the educational practices that are aimed toward linking the local pedagogical, psychological and social measures, making human resources (more lecturers, psychologists, mediators, social workers, social educators) available, in addition to specific funding. It maintains that in both countries, the idea of vulnerability is synonymous with social risk, demanding a differentiated approach for that population by promoting its education. The text notes some of the different ways by which such educational experiences come close to and move away from being affirmative policies for confronting poverty. It ends by highlighting that the two intervention models, despite having different qualities, are surrounded by the same sections of the population, recognized in both countries, as plaintiffs for specific action for moving toward social equality.
Palavras-chave : Education; Inequality; Social Policy; Social Vulnerability; Brazil; Portugal.