ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
CHAVES, Hamilton Viana and MAIA FILHO, Osterne Nonato. Perception of time and need for activity in society of excess: education in the context of digital technologies. ETD [online]. 2016, vol.18, n.1, pp.71-82. ISSN 1676-2592.
The educational context created by digital technologies has been the subject of numerous researchers, which concerns to the small amount of time that information flows and the significant amount of human activities that are allegedly facilitated by digital technologies. How could it be, then, the relationship between perception of time and need for activity in the educational process before the society of excess? This article aims to discuss these issues since it is about a fact that, sometimes, is minimized by researches about the use of information and communication technologies in education. It has been made a narrative review of the literature and its comparison with our educational practice as psychologists and teachers of a professional and technological education institution. Consume of various brands, continuing education, high productivity at work and reduction of the subjective experience are ways to deal with the emerging need for activity in the society of excess. Our analyzes indicates that there is a compressed perception of time, which could be against an urgent and amplified need for activity that results of the society of excess. Such situation would require of the education professionals a review of their teaching practices to minimize the effects of temporal compression.
Keywords : Primeira Palavra; Time Perception; Education; Digital Technologies.