ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
FELKEL, Ingrid and DICKMANN, Ivo. VIRTUAL REALITY AND TEACHER TRAINING: CONTRIBUTIONS, CHALLENGES AND LIMITS. ETD - Educ. Temat. Digit. [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.2, pp.296-315. ISSN 1676-2592.
Virtual Reality is a medium made up of interactive computer simulations. Due to the characteristics of VR and simulations of numerous contexts and situations, it contributes significantly to Teacher Education. The literature review shows a dearth of studies related to the subject. Thereby, the research objective is to analyze the professors and students understanding of Virtual Reality and its application to Teacher Education at Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó (Unochapecó). Therefore, the research design is qualitative and exploratory. There was conducted sixteen semi-structured interviews with professors (n = 4) and students (n = 16) and there was used the content analysis to examine the data. Overall, the research regarding Virtual Reality and Teacher Education are incipient at the international and national levels, however, Virtual Reality contributes to prepare the future professors to the job market as it allows the student to experience situations that are not possible in physical reality.
Keywords : Pedagogy; Teacher education; Teacher training; Technology; Virtual reality.