ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
SANTOS, Gisele Abreu Lira Corrêa dos and REZENDE FILHO, Luiz Augusto Coimbra de. POTENTIALS OF TEACHER ACTION WITH THE USE OF AUDIOVISUAL IN TEACHING CHEMISTRY. ETD - Educ. Temat. Digit. [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.2, pp.504-521. ISSN 1676-2592.
The use of audiovisual in teaching-learning is no longer a novelty, as the interest in understanding and seeking knowledge about it has grown. Chemistry teaching is one of the areas in which the number of investigations and reports on audiovisual use has increased, although many still lack a research framework. Here we present a theoretical-methodological perspective of research on audiovisual use in teaching and some results we had in a study following this perspective. We made observations of a Chemistry teacher's class on Organic Functions and drugs by using some videos. Methodologically, we identified the modes of addresses and the videos' preferred meanings, described the activities and actions of audiovisual re-addressing, and searched the relationships between the teacher's actions and the students' readings. The main results pointed out the teacher's use of re- addressing to lead students to his teaching goals. We also noted that even though the re-addressing actions have a regulatory effect, the student, as a spectator, retains his autonomy in producing new meanings.
Keywords : Audiovisual; Teacher; Chemistry teaching.