Revista e-Curriculum
Print version ISSN 1809-3876On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
MAGDALENA, Beatriz Corso; COSTA, Iris Tempel and ARAGON, Rosane. Change analysis in the pedagogical conceptions of teachers in a distance formation. e-Curriculum [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.1, pp.61-86. ISSN 1809-3876.
The goal of this article is to analyze how the “assumptions in action” of an e-learning undergraduate course in Pedagogy have influenced changes in conceptions and pedagogical practices of the students-teachers, according to reports held by them in their webfolios. The course in study was offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and it was designed for in-service education of public schools teachers. The course conception was based in the methodology interactionist and problematizing, aiming to benefit the network learning, using in an intensive-way digital technologies, notedly the internet. The empirical data of this study, which consists of blog posts of a students-teachers sample was analyzed with the aid of the software CHIC (Classification Hierárquique, Implicative et Cohérsive), focusing on similarities and implications between the categories defined to this study (formation comprehension, educational conceptions, pedagogical practices and life changes). The results show that the assumptions of the course project were translated into formation actions which leveraged changes in pedagogical conceptions between students-teachers, as well as changes in their professional and personal life.
Keywords : Distance Learning; Teacher Education; Digital Technologies in Education; Statistical Analysis Implicative.