Revista e-Curriculum
Print version ISSN 1809-3876On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
HILU, Luciane; TORRES, Patricia Lupion and BEHRENS, Marilda Aparecida. Oer (open educational resources) - knowledge and unknowledge. e-Curriculum [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.1, pp.130-146. ISSN 1809-3876.
OER have emerged as a proposition of educational materials construction that can support a kind of quality Open Education. Alongside there is the potential of the OER based learning to promote new forms of society and knowledge building of the XXI century, based on the dilution of authorship, the collectivization, colaborativity, co-creation and connection. However, despite the positive predictions of the adoption of OER, a knowledge of them is still restricted to a small ball of researchers. This article aims to collaborate with a reflection on this issue, through action research, which involved 14 PhD students and two research coordinators that mediated the investigative process. The teachers and education researchers involved considered the issue on both sides: the user's hand and the producers of educational materials distributed over the Internet. The research involved participants in an investigative process conducted during the meetings of the Thesis Seminar, at Doctoral Program in Education, PUCPR. The survey detected, through an online questionnaire applied to doctoral students, a poor knowledge of the OER concept in the universe of respondents, which indicates a real need for outreach initiatives that need to be taken in the process of teacher training or continuing education programs. Teachers should have the opportunity to discuss extensively the subject so that they can be in tune with the possibilities and potentialities brought by the Internet and its implications, including those between the REA and the theoretical and practical possibilities of new forms of learning.
Keywords : OER; Information and Communication Technology; Open Education.