Revista e-Curriculum
Print version ISSN 1809-3876On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
SCHINDHELM, Virginia Georg and HORA, Dayse Martins. Sexuality, gender and narrative learning in children’s school curriculum. e-Curriculum [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.1, pp.147-168. ISSN 1809-3876.
According to Goodson’s discussions about narrative learning this article analyzes the infant educator’s role in children’s gender and sexuality construction and also thinks in which way it appears in the school curriculum, especially in situations which were not planned however are daily present in school. Common school situations about gender and sexuality themes raise conflict of ideas and adult’s embarrassing as they were learnt in an informal way without models or explanations, however they were myth and taboos products raised in a society which face them as incorrect to be worked with children. Even then they appear as lasting learning ways which daily take part of the curriculum practiced on children education - the curriculum as a narrative. This text presents educators’ experience lived in two infant public schools in Rio de Janeiro and also some analysis about the omission, disapproval or non-verbal communication originating from the material learnt of life stories which directly influence on educational practices in kindergartens.
Keywords : Narrative Learning; Gender and Sexuality; Infant Education’s Curriculum.