Revista e-Curriculum
Print version ISSN 1809-3876On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
THIESEN, Juares da Silva. Internationalization of curriculum in basic education: concepts and contexts. e-Curriculum [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.4, pp.991-1017. ISSN 1809-3876.
This study is the result of ongoing research that is analyzing the implications of movements for curriculum internationalization in higher education on current policies and curriculum reconfigurations in basic education, particularly in Brazil and Portugal. Based on already conducted studies, the text presents and explores a group of conceptual aspects and other elements of contextualization of the movement for the internationalization of education to highlight the presence of basic education in the debate of this problematic, for which higher education is the principal locus. I operate with methodological procedures commonly used in descriptive-exploratory studies, based on texts from indexed periodicals, theses and dissertations, as well as works presented in annals of academic events. In the article I first analyze some conceptual meanings attributed by researchers to internationalization of education and curriculum and on this basis I provisorily formulate a concept for internationalization of curriculum in basic education. In a second section, I situate contexts in which the problematic of internationalization of the curriculum is inserted and identify aspects of participation or involvement of this phase of education in the movement.
Keywords : Internationalization; Curriculum; Basic Education; Politics.