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Revista e-Curriculum
versão impressa ISSN 1809-3876versão On-line ISSN 1809-3876
NOVAIS, Luis Eduardo Duarte e SILVEIRA, Nadia Dumara Ruiz. Humanizing education: scholl in christian catholic vision and the conception about critical curricular theories. e-Curriculum [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.4, pp.1234-1266. ISSN 1809-3876.
This article, result of an investigation of qualitative and exploratory feature, is included in the context of the pedagogics reflections that problematizes the mean attributed to school education in contemporaneity, in view of the crisis of school sense. It distinguishing to the understanding that limits the school education to considerations of a strictly technical and pragmatic nature, ecclesial documents that treat about Christian Catholic education vision postulate that the school must promote the transcendental dimension and the otherness of your students, in your integrality e multiculturalism, as a way of consolidating the humanizing education sense, enabling the development of personal and social responsibility of students, supported in ethic principles. These documents make for Catholic Church in different historical moments integrate the debates about the educational reality. This study aims to analyze conceptions about school function, reunited in documents elaborated by ecclesial agency responsible for Catholic Education after the celebration of the Second Vatican Council and their relationships with the critic curriculum theories, by means of the bibliographic research and texts documentary analysis that address the indicated subject and that allow the proposed comparative study.
Palavras-chave : Humanizing Education; School and Multiculturalism; Integral Training; Christian Catholic Education Vision; Critical Curriculum Theories.