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Revista e-Curriculum
versão On-line ISSN 1809-3876
BITTENCOURT, Jane. FULL-TIME EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE BNCC. e-Curriculum [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.4, pp.1759-1780. Epub 27-Jan-2020. ISSN 1809-3876.
This work analyzes the issue of full-time education in view of the curricular organization proposed by the National Common Curricular Base (known as BNCC), in its final version, published in December 2018, with the aim of pointing out limitations and possibilities for the implementation of full-time education projects in this new context. We defined as a focus of analysis an aspect considered common among the several recent educational proposals in integral education based on the governmental programs published during the decade of 2000: the curricular expansion. Considering that the curricular expansion refers to the expansion of time, educational spaces and diversification and integration of the school knowledge, we tried to identify these elements in the BNCC. We conclude by stating that the feasibility of implementing educational projects in full-time education, with the adoption of this common curricular base, is quite limited, considering that the several factors that characterize the curricular expansion in projects of full-time education and integral development are not emphasized in the curricular option of the BNCC.
Palavras-chave : Full-time education; Integral development; Curricular expansión; Curricular integration.