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Revista e-Curriculum
versão On-line ISSN 1809-3876
BRAGANCA, Inês Ferreira de Souza; FARIA, Juliana Batista e PEZZATO, Luciane Maria. Reflecting on Possibilities of Research Training in the Pedagogy Course: Diaries and Pedagogical Narratives. e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e55681. Epub 30-Jun-2023. ISSN 1809-3876.
This article aims to discuss the potential of writing as a research-training device in initial teacher education. It takes as theoretical and methodological references (auto)biographical narrative approaches and the studies in/of/with the school everyday life, highlighting, namely, the work with diaries and with the narrative documentation of pedagogical experiences. The development of the study reaffirms the initial training as a space-time of production of pedagogical knowledge, as well as the epistemopolitical contributions of narratives, in the composition of a repertoire of possibilities that foster the development and improvement of proposals for initial training of teachers, elaborated in the dialogue between training and research, between universities and basic education schools.
Palavras-chave : pedagogy course; narratives; diaries; initial teacher training; school daily life.