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Revista e-Curriculum

On-line version ISSN 1809-3876


LEMOS, Guilherme Augusto Rezende. The research object as temporality and autobiography. e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e59741.  Epub June 30, 2023. ISSN 1809-3876.

What I bring to you today is the account of the construction of a research itinerary that, like a lego, is built up over the course of studies whose direction is not always immediately intuited. The texts, and this seems to me to be the way of doing scientific work in Education, bring up questions that are not necessarily in the narrative studied, but in the encounter, from a set of very unique circumstances, with the narratives we are faced with. throughout the study. The theme of autobiography, as a methodology, stands out in the context of the American reconceptualization movement that, in a movement analogous to that already described by Bachelard, arises in controversy with the current educational thought, namely, the Tylerian education. Willian F. Pinar, in this context, develops the currere method, which inspires this article. Therefore, the invitation I make to you through this text is to try to think about the non-subject, drawing the self as a singular operational mode of responsiveness, of the act of responding to the interpellations of the world. From my point of view, our most important task as researchers/educators these days is to contribute, if not to the end, to a drastic reduction of social inequalities. In this movement of trying to replace individualism with interdependence (BUTLER, 2021b), my object is my own magisterium that mixes existence and science, its paradoxes, its aporias.

Keywords : curriculum; autobiography; currere.

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