Revista e-Curriculum
On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
CANGI, Adrián and GONCALVES, Michele Fernandes. To Make Feeling. Testimony of a Transformation of Sensation. (Ways of Questioning our Educational and Pedagogical Practices). e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e59644. Epub June 30, 2023. ISSN 1809-3876.
This essay works on the powers of “making people feel” for the field of curricular studies, betting on the fables and on the Gilles Deleuze’s metamorphoses thinking to provoke displacements and generate intensities, vibrations, and tensions. The fables expose the problems of the biosphere as the living matter in constant transformation, showing that educating means to constantly change and imitate the vital force of what survives. As writing pieces of singular lives, they become possibilities for recognizing bodies and their historically open wounds and are herein materialized by the testimonies of three dead children that help us to reflect on the crisis of modern rationality and the urgency of the criticism negative end in favor of the education opening to existential pluralisms capable of giving birth to a new mode and way of pedagogies.
Keywords : making feel; fables; existential pluralisms; intensities; education.