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Revista e-Curriculum

On-line version ISSN 1809-3876


CHAGAS, Claudia; MACHADO, Marcelo Ferreira; CASTRO, Maria Cecília Sousa de  and  LOBO, Thamy. Curriculum Migration: Everydays, Crossings and Creations from Other Margins as Possibilities. e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e55640.  Epub June 30, 2023. ISSN 1809-3876.

In this text, we present a study of the research with daily life about the necessary curricular crossings since the appearance of the new Coronavirus. Our goal is to understand how the ‘thinking practitioners’ of educational networks are giving new meaning to curricula. These networks, which we form and by which we are formed, enable the creation of ‘Curricular Migrations’. Based on a short story by Guimarães Rosa, we spoke with theorists such as: Certeau, Bhabha, Deleuze and Alves. The ‘practical theories’ of authors who work in different ‘spacetimes’ were implied. The research methodology takes place through conversations with ‘thinking practitioners’. As a guide to the conclusion, we understand that the curricular crossings identify the importance of the senses, affections, the arts and the collectivity as a way to give new meaning to the world and our existence.

Keywords : resumes; daily life; pandemic; migrations.

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