Revista e-Curriculum
On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
BALIEIRO, Luan Tarlau; AZEVEDO, Mário Luiz Neves de and OLIVEIRA, Terezinha. Curriculum, memory and historical awareness in the formation of the subject according to the Common National Curriculum Base. e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e53489. Epub Feb 26, 2024. ISSN 1809-3876.
In this article, we aim to carry out a reflection on the constitution of subject guided by the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), focusing on issues that allow us to analyze the concepts of curriculum, memory and history, based on the critical theories of Le Goff (1990), Silva (1998), Libâneo (2012), Martins (2019), among others authors. Methodologically, we opted for a qualitative approach through bibliographic review and documentary study. Our main question is: to what extent does the constitution of subject promulgated by BNCC truly converge with an emancipatory and reflective formation? In our view, the concepts presented here are fundamental to the formation of a subject historically situated in his time, therefore a citizen.
Keywords : National Common Curriculum Base; subject; memory; history.