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Revista e-Curriculum

On-line version ISSN 1809-3876


MEDEIROS, Claudia Escalante  and  BERVIAN, Paula Vanessa. Contributions of the TPACK framework in the curriculum and training of natural sciences teachers. e-Curriculum [online]. 2024, vol.22, e61615.  Epub Sep 30, 2024. ISSN 1809-3876.

This article aims to promote a reflection on the TPACK framework in the curriculum and in the training of natural sciences teachers in a society mediated by TDIC. Methodologically, this is a research with a qualitative approach, with the application of an online collection instrument adapted from the QTPACK model (Rolando et al., 2018). Data were analyzed based on Content Analysis (Bardin, 2011) and show that teachers recognize DICT as potential tools to assist in teaching and learning processes, but there are still challenges to be overcome, in the face of which TPACK emerges as promising theoretical model to integrate new teacher training curricula in a society immersed in digital culture.

Keywords : framework TPACK; sciencie teacher; training teacher; curriculum; digital culture.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )