Revista e-Curriculum
On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
SILVA, Matheus Estevão Ferreira da and BRABO, Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino. Transversality or dependence on disciplinarity? Possibilities for education in gender and sexualities in a Pedagogy course. e-Curriculum [online]. 2024, vol.22, e59728. Epub Dec 27, 2024. ISSN 1809-3876.
The objective is to analyze the perception of undergraduate students in Pedagogy at a public university in São Paulo, Brazil, about the possibilities of education in gender and sexualities in their course. The participating sample comprised 105 undergraduates (N=105), enrolled in the four years of this course. The methodology consisted of the application of a questionnaire composed of questions on if, when, and how gender and sexualities were addressed. The responses were analyzed based on descriptive statistics and on the feminist literature consulted on gender and sexualities. An analysis was also made of the Pedagogical Master Plan and the course curriculum. The results show that although the themes are apparently included as part of its programmatic curricular content, they are restricted to the specific discipline that the course has for their approach.
Keywords : gender and sexuality; teacher education; pedagogy; transversality; disciplinarity.