Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
ABIB, Pedro Rodolpho Jungers. Cultura popular, educação e lazer: uma abordagem sobre a capoeira e o samba. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2006, vol.01, n.01, pp.58-66. ISSN 1809-4309.
This work is part of the research carried through in the doctorate in applied Social Sciences to the Education finished in 2004 in the UNICAMP. Search to establish relations between popular culture, education and leisure, being identified the capoeira and the samba, as two of the most significant manifestations of the popular culture, in that it refers to its possibilities to be inserted as contents in education processes not-deed of division, over all to those come back toward the favored layers less of the population. We analyze here some characteristics of the samba and the capoeira, over all in relation to the forms of transmission of knowing them deriving of the universe of the popular culture, where the memory, the ritualidade, the orality, the ancestry and the temporality if present as basic categories, leaving of the community concept, while an important reference for the understanding of the logic that guides the educative processes in these spaces.
Keywords : Popular Culture; Education; Leisure; Capoeira; Samba.