Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
TRES, Lairton. A resistência como práxis dos movimentos ambientalistas e ecológicos. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2006, vol.01, n.01, pp.67-76. ISSN 1809-4309.
Among the popular social movements existent stands out the environmentalist movement that presents in your groups slopes a little differentiated, but that, in common, they develop your fight in favor of the nature, including not only the ecology, but also, the human nature. In the incessant manifestation to guarantee the life quality to all be them alive they build your praxis in the daily effort in defense of the life. Some in way radical, other more peaceful, try to be mediators of a process of social transformation that seeks to form in a worthy way the citizens of the world. In this perspective they constitute the environmental rationality, as process political re-advisor of tendencies capable to constitute a new form of productive organization of the society, allowing your sustainability. The environmentalist movements in your resistance praxis carry the militancy as flag seeking to incorporate your beginnings in the social sciences against the norms of the positive model of the science and against the instrumental rationality that prevails in the relationships that stays in our society, that hurts the rights of the nature harming like this, besides all being alive, the own humanity. This work wants to bring a little of the history of the environmentalist movements, it rescues the paper of this type of social movement in agreement with your slopes. It also sends us the a reflection with relationship to the environmental rationality and the praxis of incorporate resistance for the environmentalists.
Keywords : Movement Ambientalista; Environmentalist Movement; Nature; Praxis and Resistance.