Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
SAVELI, Esméria de Lourdes. Narrativas autobiográficas de professores: um caminho para a compreensão do processo de formação. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2006, vol.01, n.01, pp.94-105. ISSN 1809-4309.
This study locates in the field of the Historiography, especially the oral history that has been embracing research about history and memory, life history, biography and autobiography. It took memorial written by teachers, one of the requirements demanded to participate in the selection process to the course of Master's degree in Education of UEPG, as specific object of analysis. The research aims to understand the process of the formation of professional identity, starting from experiences narrated by teachers along theirs personal and professional path. The theoretical support for analysis of the content of the memorial, vein of studies developed by CIAMPA (1990), HALBWACHS (1968), HUBERMANN (1992), GOODSON (1992), HOLLY (1992), DUBAR (1995). In the analysis, it was looked for not to lose of view that the narrative from the memories restored and reflected the lived experience, obeying criteria demanded by the context. The analysis evidenced, among other points, that the process of constitution of the professional identity is intimately related with the forms for the which the individuals assume and they resist front the inherent functions to the social paper of being a teacher. It is still, that the memorial narrative has as reference the groups of the individual's conviviality and the subject's University. When writing the memorial the teacher is going relating contents gradually (what reminds) as well as the form (as they reminds), without losing of view to who narrates (the speaker). Is shows s that the memory is selective once it is returned so much outside (social) as inside (individual). The content of the memory doesn't surface in pure state in the narrator's language that reminds. It is selected in function of the cultural and ideological point of view of the group to who the text is destined.
Keywords : Teachers' Formation; Subjectivity; Professional Identity; Memory; Memorial.