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Práxis Educativa

On-line version ISSN 1809-4309


ROSSO, Ademir José. Avaliação dos significados atribuídos pelos estagiários à metodologia e prática de ensino de biologia. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2007, vol.02, n.02, pp.131-144. ISSN 1809-4309.

The work discusses the results of the evaluations of the discipline Methodology and Practice of Teaching (MPT) of Biology of the State University of Ponta Grossa obtained in the period 2001-2003. From the reports, articles, spon-taneous elaboration of list of words and of list of words suggested for the construction of conceptual maps it took place the survey of the meaning of the discipline for the concludes of the course. For the analysis of the informa-tion it was consider the technical aspects, humans and political-social of the educational formation. Starting from the group of the analyzed information, it is ended that the graduates of the Initial Teacher Training of Biology (called in Portuguese as Curso de Licenciatura) attributes meaning for MPT in decreasing order the technical, hu-man and political-social dimension.

Keywords : Initial Teacher Training; Teaching Practice; Final Evaluation; Didactic.

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