Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
TROJAN, Rose Meri. Teoria e prática na formação docente: estudo das políticas educacionais brasileiras e cubanasTheory and practice in teacher training: a study of Brazilian and Cuban education policies. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2008, vol.03, n.01, pp.29-42. ISSN 1809-4309.
Abstract Historically, the relationship between theory and practice in the process of initial teaching training has presented itself as a problem of difficult solution. Even when practice is sought as the basis for theory and as a way of knowing about reality, teaching practices in general show themselves as fields of theory application. The changes through which the Brazilian legislation has been passing in relation to teacher training, which arise from changes in the work field and from the influence of multilateral organizations, have privileged practice over the theory. The actual link between theory and practice is an indivisible process where one dimension is not dissolved in the other. For this reason, through the CAPES/MES-Cuba agreement, this research develops a comparative study between Brazil and Cuba. This latter country is nowadays adopting an innovative proposal for graduation, bringing together education and work and having as a goal the generalization of the Higher Education. The methodological basis considered in the present work is built upon Gramsci, a thinker who ponders on the role of intellectuals on social changes and who supports himself on Marx’s historical and dialectical materialism, which considers the inherent contradictions of the analyzed process. The goal is to contribute in the search of solutions for the problems presented by contemporary policies of teaching formation through comparative studies, always focusing in quality education and the promotion of interchange experiences in the area of compared education.
Keywords : Educational Policies; Teaching Formation; Comparative Education.