Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
MARTINS, Marcos Francisco. Pedagogia do engajamento: considerações sobre a desumanização e as possibilidades de sua superaçãoPedagogy of engagement: considerations concerning dehumanization and possibilities of its transcendence. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2008, vol.03, n.01, pp.55-66. ISSN 1809-4309.
Abstract This paper presents an interpretation of materialist humanism based on Marx’s work and its relationship with education. Initially, it conceptualises man as a being of praxis, or rather, like a natural, social and cultural being which is historically constituted from its productive, social, political and symbolic practices. Besides this, it reaffirms the dehumanization of man as a result of the relationship established with nature, society and culture in the current context. The challenge to those who intend re-humanization is to establish a method based on principles that could re-orient man towards his own humanization: that is to re-educate men in such a way that they can re-engage themselves with their natural, social and cultural dimensions, despite being mistreated by the dynamics of capitalist society in its current stage of development.
Keywords : Educação; Engajamento; Humanismo; Materialismo.