Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
IBIAPINA, Ivana Maria Lopes de Melo and FROTA, Paulo Rômulo de Oliveira. Processo de internalização da função docente: uma herança culturalThe process of internalisation of the teacher’s work: a cultural heritage. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2008, vol.03, n.02, pp.135-141. ISSN 1809-4309.
Abstract This paper points out how cultural heritage interferes with the process of internalizing teaching. The research involved the analysis of 42 questionnaires completed by lecturers of the Federal University of Piauí State (Brazil). The data collected were analyzed using Historical and Cultural approaches. It was discovered that the teachers’ activities were influenced by formative processes (the way in which the lecturers teach), as well as by the way they learn ‘how to be a lecturer’ through personal experience. It is concluded that the subjects of the research internalized the style of teaching reproducing the classic models of being lecturers.
Keywords : Teacher training.