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Práxis Educativa
versão On-line ISSN 1809-4309
CAMPOS, Rosânia. A educação das crianças pequenas como estratégia para a contenção da pobreza: análise de iniciativas dos organismos internacionais em curso na América Latina. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2009, vol.04, n.01, pp.29-39. ISSN 1809-4309.
This paper analyzes the guidelines of international organizations to projects and programs in Latin America to Early Education. Three initiatives have been analyzed in search of understanding the conceptions and logic that support them as well as the similarities and differences among the initiatives. The analysis was based on Roger Dale’s framework for policy analysis and on the studies by Shiroma, Campos and Garcia. The study suggests that education is seen as a fundamental strategy to provide equity and that, Early Education, is seen as a privileged strategy to stop the “poverty vicious circle”, overcoming, this way, the conception of Early Education as a public right to all children and families.
Palavras-chave : Early Education; International Organizations; Public Policies.