Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
NOVAK, Joseph D. and CANAS, Alberto J.. A teoria subjacente aos mapas conceituais e como elaborá-los e usá-los. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2010, vol.05, n.01, pp.09-29. ISSN 1809-4309.
This text presents the origin of the concept map tool and some of the early history in the development of this tool. Some of the ideas from Ausubel’s (1963; 1968) assimilation theory of cognitive learning that served as a foundation for concept mapping are presented, including the important role that assimilating new concepts and propositions into a learner’s existing cognitive framework plays in meaning making. Epistemological foundations are also presented including the idea that creative production of new knowledge can be seen as a very high level of meaningful learning, and concept mapping can facilitate the process. The wide range of tools available in free CmapTools software and some applications are illustrated, including application for facilitating meaningful learning, better curriculum development, capturing and archiving tacit and explicit expert knowledge, and enhancing creative production. Using CmapTools, WWW resources, and other digital resources provide for a powerful New Model for Education leading to the creation of individual knowledge portfolios that can document significant learning and serve as a foundation for future related learning. CmapTools also provides extensive support for collaboration, publishing and sharing of knowledge models.
Keywords : Concept Mapping; Meaningful Learning; CmapTools.