Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
FARTES, Vera Lúcia Bueno and GONCALVES, Maria de Cássia Passos B.. Um desafio à construção de novos saberes e novas práticas no trabalho docente: a formação de professores para a educação profissional de jovens e adultos. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2010, vol.05, n.01, pp.47-56. ISSN 1809-4309.
This paper results from a research on the “Teacher Education Programme for the Professional Education of Young People and Adults”, whose objective was to understand both the programme’s pedagogical conception and the articulation of theoretical knowledge with practical teaching knowledge, as well as to verify the conception of teaching activity implicit in the project of the course, which took place at the Federal Institute of Bahia (former CEFET-BA). Empirical works were based on a qualitative approach with documentary analysis. Although the course has a multidisciplinary proposal that highlights teaching knowledge, in practice the purposes were not satisfactorily achieved: curriculum contents were organised in a linear and hierarchical way and there wasn’t a convincing articulation between theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge of the teachers who participated in the course.
Keywords : Knowledge; Teaching Activity; Education; Young People and Adults.