Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
SILVA, Maria das Graças Martins da and SILVA, Rose Cléia Ramos da. Educação e produção do conhecimento na realidade social: uma análise a partir do materialismo histórico-dialético. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2010, vol.05, n.01, pp.79-87. ISSN 1809-4309.
This paper analyses education and knowledge production taking into account the social relationships that originate them and the philosophical categories of historical and dialectical materialism. In order to do so, two elements are adopted as references: knowledge society (a reflection of capitalist society in its actual stage of development, which is expressed by productivism) and, as a counterpart, education as a form of humanisation and critical knowledge (freedom expression that underlies the educational process). The conclusion is that historical and dialectical materialism contributes to analysing reality, as it unveils it and at the same time potentiates transforming actions by showing the libertarian sense of education.
Keywords : Historical and Dialectical Materialism; Knowledge Society; Knowledge Production.