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Práxis Educativa

On-line version ISSN 1809-4309


GLAP, Graciele; BRANDALISE, Mary Ângela Teixeira  and  ROSSO, Ademir José. Análise da produção acadêmica sobre a avaliação na/da Educação Infantil do período 2000-2012. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2014, vol.09, n.01, pp.43-67. ISSN 1809-4309.

This article is originated from a qualitative research, state of the art type, which had an inventory character derived from scientific papers on evaluation in/of Early Childhood Education, collected through electronic consultation and printed productions, published from 2000 to 2012. 47 works were found, of which 24 were articles, 20 were dissertations and 3 were theses. The abstracts of these works were analyzed using the ALCESTE software, and the corpus analysis is structured in two categories: evaluation in Early Childhood Education, directed to researches on evaluation in the micro school context, and evaluation of Early Childhood Education, related to the meso and macro school context, that is to say, the evaluation of policies/programs and institutions.

Keywords : Assessment in/of Early Childhood Education; State of the Art; Childhood.

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