Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
ENS, Romilda Teodora and RIBAS, Marciele Stiegler. Formation of teachers for the Education of Young and Adults: an analysis of Curriculum Guidelines. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2015, vol.10, n.1, pp.127-152. ISSN 1809-4309.
This article examines the curricular guidelines for the Education of Young and Adults (EJA) federal, statewide (Paraná) and municipal (Curitiba). Resumes the educational policies of the Governments Collor, FHC and Lula, seeking to identify whether these documents recognize, or indicate the need for specific training to teachers who work in teaching mode. From the epistemological basis of hermeneutics we performed a documentary analysis of the guidelines, guided by content analysis technique proposed by Bardin (2012). Among the authors that substantiate this reflection are: Haddad and Di Pierro (2000); Paiva (2003); Di Pierro (2010); Gadotti (2011); Arroyo (2011); Capucho (2012). The results indicate that the educational policies dealing with the training of teachers to the EJA superficially. In this context, it is necessary to re-evaluate these policies, with the aim of ensuring a quality education for all young, adults and seniors who return to school in search of a right denied.
Keywords : Teacher Formation; Adult and Youth Education; Curriculum Guidelines.