Práxis Educativa
On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
BECERRA, Marina. Education, gender and citizenship in Argentina in the early XX century: the socialist Enrique Del Valle Iberlucea's (im)possible perspective. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2015, vol.10, n.1, pp.179-200. ISSN 1809-4309.
This paper analyzes the relationship between citizenship and gender in the ideas on education put forward by the Spanish Marxist intellectual Enrique Del Valle Iberlucea in Argentina, at the beginning of the 20th century. Del Valle Iberlucea was a member of the Argentinian Socialist Party, although his Marxist leanings distanced him from the dominant ideas of the party. First, his conception of citizenship, which fed into a modern notion of equal rights that was itself a legacy of the French Revolution, is analyzed. Then, the shift in gender stereotypes in Del Valle Iberlucea's concept of education is examined. His particular development of the links between gender and citizenship, which emerged through his "modern", "democratic" understanding of education as being open to both sexes, gave rise to a denaturalization of gender stereotypes in education.
Keywords : Gender; Citizenship; Education.