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Práxis Educativa

On-line version ISSN 1809-4309


LIMA, Iana Gomes de  and  GANDIN, Luís Armando. Social justice in education: underpinnings and practical consequences. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2017, vol.12, n.3, pp.929-941. ISSN 1809-4309.

This paper defends the use of social justice - from the contributions of Gewirtz and Young - as a concept in educational analysis. The goal is to demonstrate the importance of operating with this concept, particularly in the context of market-based policies in education currently in place both globally and in Brazil. With this goal, two examples of curricular policies for Elementary Education are analyzed in light of this concept. One of the examined examples are policies based on market assumptions, aiming at standardizing the curriculum of the first grades of elementary education in the State of Rio Grande do Sul through the adoption of scripted educational systems. The other example is the case of the Citizen School in the city of Porto Alegre which provides a contrast to the processes of marketization in education. Using these examples, we demonstrate the importance of using the concept of social justice to highlight the structural injustices in the educational sphere, injustices which are enhanced by the introduction of market-based policies in education, and to provide viable alternatives to these policies.

Keywords : Social justice; Market-based education; Elementary education.

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