Práxis Educativa
Print version ISSN 1809-4031On-line version ISSN 1809-4309
BURAK, Dionísio and ZONTINI, Laynara dos Reis Santos. Modeling practices in Basic Education teacher training: the search for a new rationality. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2020, vol.15, e2014239. Epub Mar 26, 2020. ISSN 1809-4309.
This article discusses the technical rationality in teacher education and the need for a new rationality that addresses the challenges of human formation today, being approached from the assumptions of Mathematical Modeling (MM) in Mathematical Education. To exemplify the discussion, initially theoretical, we present a description and reflection of a practice with MM performed by teachers of Basic Education in a period of 20 hours. The work carried out with the teachers was part of an ongoing training and provided us with research data on Integration and Rural Construction. We analyzed the results of training guided by the question: how does the practice with Mathematical Modeling provide a new model of rationality in teacher education? The objective was to reflect and present structuring elements of teacher education from the development of a practice with MM, which was based on a perspective of formation that surpasses the current model of technical rationality. The text follows a qualitative-interpretative research methodology. The results of the reflection show that MM from the perspective of assumed Mathematical Education brings in its conception potentializing elements to overcome the current model of teacher education, in relation to the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. The activity reveals the importance of the teacher experiencing a new way of approaching teaching and understanding a theoretical, coherent and consistent basis that is able to support their practice.
Keywords : Mathematical modeling; Mathematical education; Teaching and learning; Basic Education; Critical rationality.