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Práxis Educativa
versão impressa ISSN 1809-4031versão On-line ISSN 1809-4309
BULATY, Andréia et al. Cinema and education in Endipe: a state ok knowledge. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2021, vol.16, e2119710. Epub 09-Fev-2022. ISSN 1809-4309.
This article aims to map productions about Cinema and Education in the annals of ENDIPE from 2013 to 2020, with the interest to know and understand what has been produced about Cinema and Education at the Endipe event in the last 7 years. The period is influenced by the approval of Law n. 13.006/2014 which institutes the obligation of Cinema at school. The authors Duarte (2002) was used as a theoretical reference; Costa (2003) and Fresquet (2015). The research is of the “State of Knowledge” type, which was sought from bibliographic and documental analysis in Endipe's annals and e-book, mapping scientific production with the following descriptors: Cinema and Education; Education and Cinema; Law 13.006/2014 - Cinematographic language at school; Film reading; cinema in the classroom. The research concludes that in the 4 annals and e-book of the Endipe event there is an approximate total of 4191 published works, of which 45 articles bring the discussion about Cinema and Education.
Palavras-chave : Knowledge Mapping; Law no. 13.006/2014; Cinematographic language.